What We Do

Digital Engineering

In the fast-moving digital ecosystem, choosing the right end-to-end stack is the key to have an application that scores well in all aspects. We believe choosing the right set of tools makes the job at hand easier. Software development is no different, and with our wealth of experience in building applications at an enterprise scale for multiple customers, we can help you choose the right technology stack that fits your business problem/requirement.

Digital Engineering

What We Offer

Mobile First & Responsive

Mobile First & Responsive

It is crucial to have the application render and work well across different viewports. With the help of proven utility libraries, we build responsive apps optimized according to the viewport capabilities. Smart devices play a key role in digital transformation. We design and develop the mobile screens first which results in adaptable and optimized UI.

User Centric Design

User Centric Design

The front end being the face of any system, we build user-centric front-end applications. We prefer and follow a flat design to emphasize the content. We follow 3C – clear, crisp, and concise towards the app design.

Single Page Application

Single Page Application

Based on the use case, we prefer this approach that targets to mimic the native experience and connect to the server only when required. We are expertise in most of the advanced JS frameworks and libraries for building out SPA.

Server Side Rendering

Server Side Rendering

When SEO and initial load performance are the key demands, SSR is the approach we recommend in which the pages are pre-rendered in server and available for search engine bots to crawl and index. Data fetching strategies like build-time and on-demand are decided based on the specific API use case.



We build applications for everyone. By enforcing the accessibility principles and coding conventions as part of development, we make sure the result is accessible to all including, assistive technologies. A few of them but not limited to are ARIA attributes, semantic HTML, proper color contrast, and running accessibility audit tools.



Almost all the modern DOM manipulation libraries claim they are optimized for better performance. Yet, it depends on the developer by how those frameworks’ features are elevated along with native best practices in the right way and place to gain exceptional performance. Irrespective of the library used, our implementation covers best practices like controlled expensive calls (avoid unnecessary render cycle), load on demand (lazy-loading), fewer dependencies (prefer in-house components over 3rd party libs), use of optimized images (next-gen formats WebP/AVIF).

Microservice Architecture

Microservice Architecture

Nowadays, building performance-oriented servers are the predominant objective for developing any application and, microservice architecture is the right approach to achieve it. This approach provides scalability, maintainability, and ease of deployment for various services, which can develop independently.

Design Patterns

Design Patterns

Write clean and reusable code are two substantial parts of the software development process. We follow design patterns to solve common problems that lead to better quality, readability, and maintainability of the code.

Right API Framework

Right API Framework

In the modern era, client-server communication should be as faster as possible to give the best experience for users. Building UI-centric APIs are the key to provide a buttery smooth UI experience for users. We choose API frameworks based on the business requirement and have substantial expertise in frameworks like REST, GraphQL, and Web Socket.

Data Storage

Data Storage

Data is the heart of any product, and we manage the business data efficiently. Building new generation applications requires SQL and NoSQL approaches to handle all types of application data. To leverage the full ability of the microservice architecture, we make sure that the data is physically separated and spanned across various services. We encrypt all the sensitive data in an application to avoid any security threats. Moreover, we use caching mechanisms to improve data retrieval performance which reduces network latency.



We make sure that the application is secured and does not have any security vulnerabilities. We use auth solutions to protect all the application resources, and the application gateway will be the single point of contact for all the clients. The server-side service discovery approach provides better security for all the services and, the requests forward to the corresponding service only after the successful authorization.

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